So what was left we left to rest
And left of center in my chest
You left a bit of lead behind
But never mind
‚Cause in the shadows of the setting sun
The setting seemed alright
Yeah in the shadows of the setting sun
The setting seemed alright
So what was lost I could not seek
For all the searches for the fragments of your heart had left me weak
But in the shadows of the setting sun
The setting seemed alright
Yeah in the shadows of the setting sun
The setting seemed alright
I tied my tongue into a knot
I turned my stomach into one amazing rock
And let it roll down that pile of our memories
Remember when you reappeared
where I had needed you before
And when you did
I couldn’t bring myself to need you anymore
So there you were but oh
There really was no handle to this door
And didn’t we always
Take it in turns
Now never mind that well
You barely ever minded anyway
Except those times you knew
That I was not sure I could stay
When all your light, light-heartedness
Had weighed me down once more
And every time it did
I came out graver than before
Before I must have been a girl
Before you, I suppose
But choking on my feels
One day I turned into a ghost
And scared you right away from me
Too vivid my morbidity oh oh
Fear me
Fear my sadness, love
And feel me
Feel my sadness please
And feel my fear
I need you near me
It’s been so long, now all the songs
I wrote to you pile up into
A monument of lows and highs and lows
And all those times you messed with me
It seems you got the best of me
For you remain the place my mind will go
Drug Dreams
Alas, they are a thing it seems
You shape the landscape of my dreams
And let me know you hurt me deeply
And let me know I’m not yet free
I met a man at a ball, he was handsome and tall
And had your air of casual disregard
And when we danced into dawn to the silliest songs
He took my hand into his as a start
And man, was I on the hook
When he gave me that look
Of not quite seeing me, not quite hearing me
Not quite caring to know what’s underneath
Not quite getting me, not quite letting me in
He kept me close with ease
And all those little notes and cues
That kept me on my toes with you
He handed me in passing and with skill
So there was little doubt that there was
Little to be found for me but pain
And yeah, I kind of craved him still
I don’t regret letting you go
However, let me tell you that
I’m glad I didn’t know
Just how long this shit would take
It’s almost been a year and still
My heart steadily seems to
Now I miss your stupid face and the stupid things you say
I even miss the way you brought me down
Though that’s an awful thing to
Think about the implications
I’ll try not to romanticize those toxic situations
Now I’m really not that weak
And you really weren’t that good for me
But you wouldn’t even know
Cause you couldn’t even tell what toll you took on me so
Every hour of this fever leaves me with a clearer view
And I’m certain that it’s part of getting well and over you
History may say we collided
Setting the stakes way too high
All of the love we provided
Still leaves me wondering why
We tumbled and tumbled and fell
And did this all well as we could
Now be this a sad tale to tell
I’ll know that so much has been good
But I’ve gotta go now my skin
Is getting so thin and so sore
For all of the things I’ve held in
Are creeping to you through
The slits underneath the doors
I know
Reason may argue we faltered
More that our love could endure
Turn after turn left it altered
When were we acutally sure
We struggled and struggled and lost
And grasped every straw we would reach
But now we’re about to greet dusk
The silence has swallowed our speech
And I’ve gotta go now my skin
Is getting so thin and so sore
For all of the things I’ve held in
Are creeping to you through
The slits underneath the doors
I know
You gotta know I loved you so
And tried my best to keep
My love awake for as long as I could
At last though it’s fallen asleep
After we parted you concluded
That the both of us had quite a pleasurable time
How do you think I left you
When I loved you like I did
So what I’m trying to say
I bent over backwards to stay
And surely would have
If you had only refrained
From fucking me up
So deliberately
On so many occasions
If you know what I mean
But you don’t know what I mean
How come you are here
I could not have forseen this at all
I could not have forseen
We’ll tickle the darkness
Now how have you been?
You look sadder still
But was I not ever so sad
I cannot lose myself
I have been lost all too often
It’s easy to dive, but it’s hard to emerge
Lange Zeit fand ich dein Schweigen überwiegend elegant
Weil ich weiß, dass du mit Worten ja im Grunde sehr gut kannst
Aber meinst du nicht, du machst es dir auf Dauer etwas leicht
Wenn du immer schweigst, wenn man dir einen Satzanfang reicht?
Reicht der Rotwein und wenn nein, wie öffnen wir dann den hier?
Gibts im Späti drüben nicht vielleicht nen Korkenzieher? Gehn wir
Fragen? Gut, ich frage. Guten Abend, äh hi
Wir haben nen Wein mit, aber leider nichts zum Aufmachen dabei
Dabei steh ich ein Stück hinter dir, bemüht so auszusehn
Als würd das Planungsmissgeschick auf deine Kappe gehen
Die Leute nach uns grinsen und sie schaun von mir zu dir
Ich mag’s mir vorzustellen, dass sie denken könnten, wir
Wären mehr als nur ein Sublimat
So ne Scheiße, dass du ausgerechnet heute Abend sagst
Dass du Frauen, wenn sie traurig sind, besonders gerne magst
Ich bin bleibefüllt bis oben, doch behalte das für mich
Denn ich bündel dein Begehren gern, aber mit Schwere nicht
Nicht dass du jetzt denken sollst, ich höre dir nicht zu
Aber unterm Herz die Schramme steht dir wirklich richtig gut
Tut mir leid, ich will nur sagen: Nichts zu tun hilft auch nur wenig
Wenn ich uns von außen anseh, muss ich sagen, seh ich
Eh nicht mehr als nur ein Sublimat
Wenn du wolltest, weißt du das?
Hättest du immer die Erlaubnis, mich zu küssen
Wenn das nicht mehr gilt und passt
Sicher gerne, aber erstmal gut zu wissen
Du bist mir so vertraut
Vertrau mir
Ich bau dich auf
Ich glaub dir
Und weiß genau, dass du das willst
Aber die Trauer brauch ich
Ich trauer nicht für dich
Ich trauer nicht für dich
Und ich
Wär nie mehr als nur dein Sublimat
Wir wärenn nie mehr als nur ein Sublimat
That time you shook my hand
It felt a little too nice
I got embarressed
And avoided your eyes
And when you said my name
That felt a little too nice as well
So tell me in a parallel
In a para parallel universe
Would you say my name again
Would you take my hand again
Never let it go again
Honestly, just keep it
Now my friends like to say
I got a bit of a strange taste
And I like the way exhaustion
shows on your face
But they’d agree, I’m sure
It suites your features well
I tend to watch my step
But I’ve been inattentive, I suppose
I fell your you when heaven knows
I did not mean to do
Eine Tür knallt, ich werde wach
Stehe auf, es ist noch Nacht
Meine kleinen Füße schleichen auf den Gang
Wieder 7, wieder Streit
Aus der Küche, wieder schreist du
Dass das alles mein Verschulden sei
Und ich spüre, du hast Recht
Und ich spüre, ich muss weg
Und wieder einmal bleib ich einfach stehen
Denn wenn ich so lange hier stehen bleib
Bis mich die Raufaser einverleibt
Ginge es nach mir, dann wär ich gar nicht hier
Es tut mir Leid
Und ich lös’ mich von der Wand
Und ich suche mit der Hand
Auf dem Boden und auch hinter jedem Schrank
Doch nichts zu finden, nicht ein Stück
Verzweiflung kommt zu mir zurück
Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt, aber sie stirbt
Denn da war nichts
Da war gar nichts
Ein Rest von deiner Liebe muss doch noch zu finden sein
Doch da war nichts
Da war gar nichts
Die Wände kommen näher und ich bin gern mit ihnen allein
Neuer Morgen, nach 20 Jahren
Die Tapete noch immer da
Ich schau mich um und stehe neben mir
Einmeterzwanzig Traurigkeit
Ich will sie trösten, will sie heilen
Doch das kleine Mädchen redet nicht mit mir
When we first met
I marvelled at
The way you seemed to be
Everything I need
You charmed you way into my heart
And I kept telling everyone
How you’re so sweet and kind and smart
But then you changed quite rapidly
Making me miserable at least with ease
At worst some trace of glee
And I was thrown off of my feet
How different you turned out to be
I could not belive I stand corrected though
I did ignore the signs I might have seen
I recognize defeat and the mess that this has been
Did you feel a thing feasting on my heart
Did you feel a thing watching me fall apart
I think you’ll have to get better at playing
Or better for real
You’re so mediocre on several levels
Yet it’s incredible how bad you make me feel
I think I’ll have to get better at playing
Or stop joining in I’ll try not to fight quite as dirty as you
But your blows have got lower
The better I’ve been
So I stand corrected now
I did ignore the signs I might have seen
I recognize defeat and the mess that this has been
If these are the conditions
I don’t wanna play
I don’t wanna play
No, I don’t wanna play
So here’s to repetition
I don’t wanna play
I don’t wanna play
No, I don’t wanna play no
Da da da da da da da
I’m bored, I know that sigh too well by now
You’d thought I might provide
A permanent supply of pleasantries
But those you were denied
There’s no need to be oh so very lazy
Don’t you realize
The nicer things, they do demand some care
But given that you tasted hedonism
Just so recently
You’re ever so unwilling now to share
If my body remembered what my mind pointlessly, yet relentlessly hopes to forget, there would be stretch marks and crouch marks all over it.
One crouch mark would grace my skin for every time I bowed my head or served a man I ought not to have served.Time and again, I ended up saying “No, you’re probably right. Perhaps it’s just me!“, when I knew very well that it wasn’t. For every cognitive dissonance force-fed to me by someone too self-serving and/or oblivious to distinguish between their self-image and actual behaviour. (Leaving me with the emotional labor of discerning between the two, while pretending I couldn’t.)
For every hour of sleep I sacrificed, trying to make an inept man feel less unkind. There seems to be a rather unique form of resentment in the eyes of a man who is certain he deserves better feedback.
If my body remembered what my mind pointlessly yet relentlessly hopes to forget, stretch marks would cover me, from my neck to my heels. For every social event prior to which I spent too much time in front of a mirror, trying to finally become beautiful enough that the man would be nice to me in front of his friends.
Said friends were neither kind nor emotionally well adjusted themselves, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have to try my hardest every single time, so I guess… oh, never mind.
A thousand stretch marks would have lined my skin that night I overstretched my spine well enough to receive the approval and subsequent affection I had been so desperatley striving for. It resulted in the sobering, though perhaps foreseeable, realization: “Oh shit, this isn’t actually love, is it?“
If my mind remembered what my body pointlessly, yet relentlessly hopes to forget, I might never crouch nor stretch, ever again.
I have liked being your friend for long
But you can be so mean
And just because that’s just occasionally
It’s not okay with me
I don’t really care you say
You’re meaner to your other friends
The point is that you do not even bother
To try not to be or ever make amends
Oh-oh I’m done complaining
You’re highly entertaining now
Oh-oh stop pretending
There’s gonna be no happy ending
Oh-oh I’m done complaining
You’re highly entertaining
I prefer the company of people
Who are kind to me
I have liked being your friend for long
But lately i have found
That I do need to get my guard way up
Whenever you’re around
I have done my part
And told you I was hurt
But you don’t seem to mind too much
So I will save my words
I don’t know how to be your friend right now
I don’t know how to be your friend right now
I don’t even seem to belong with myself right now
No, I don’t
Tell me how to get on normal terms with you again, again
Shouldn’t this be solid and strong
I wonder where we went wrong
I cannot see a single tree for the woods
I don’t know how, I don’t know how to be your friend right now
Wo-o-oh we are entirely okay
Nothing whatsoever changed
Aren’t you glad we feel this way?
Wo-o-oh we are entirely okay
Nothing whatsoever changed
I’m sure glad we feel this way
Please stop looking at me, oh, like I am weak
I’m not, you see
Shouldn’t this be solid and strong
I wonder where I went wrong
I cannot see a single tree for the woods
I don’t know how, I don’t know how
To be your friend right now
Wo-o-oh we are entirely okay …
My swallow’s gone flying and I’m not denying
I wish I could grow so much as a feather
My swallow’s gone flying and I’m not denying
I wish we were soaring the skies together
Why’s it that absence continuously
Outlines the bodies of those that I love?
Why is it that repetition compulsion
Tempts us to evermore lose what we lost?
I lost you, I lost you
I’ll lose you again in my dreams
Have you heard the tale of the swallow who
Flew higher than all the others
Wings wider than all the others
It’s gold to know your goal
If you wanna go places
I will be alright, I will be alright
I will be alright someday
My disasters come and go
And they’re not all i am but they’re a part
This is no emergency
No this is no emergency
And yet it can be hard
Anxiety is creeping up my sleeves
And i can’t sleep and i can’t move
This is no emergency, no this is no emergency
The morning comes to prove
I’m not here to wait this out Walking in a roundabout
Of your denial and my doubt
If i will be alright
I will be alright, I will be alright
I will be alright someday
It’s all a bit fucked up right now
But it will be okay
On motorways we ride as I realize
That most people strive to stay alive, to be alive
The roots that grow beneath my feet
Don’t always seem to reach as deep
Into the ground as I’d need them to do
But at this very moment I feel pleasantly connected
To it all due to the fact that
I’m breathing in, I’m breathing out
My lungs pass on the oxygen
Right to my blood, my heart makes sure
It’s running through my vains
And as a result I am able to fear
That if we crashed into that bus
We’d no longer be here
He was so tall, so tall
So why’d he be afraid at all
But when their gazes rested on his face
He’d cringe and seek the gaze of the wall
And then a choir of ten
Socially weird ones began to sing him a song:
„Fear is caring, fear is kind
Fear is mercyless and nothing but mercy
Fear is caring, fear is kind
Fear is brutal and crucial and cruel
And fear is allright.“
His puns were fun and bright
So why’d he every single night
Stay by himself and by the bookshelf
Instead of hanging with the kids he liked
And then a choir of ten
Socially weird ones began to sing him a song: …
Don’t you know you are supposed to be
a leader of men
But instead your sweaty hands
Keep on clicking that pen
Don’t you know you are supposed to be in command?
The boy who lived carried a scar
Telling a tale of endless pain and love
We’re gonna be the hopefull ones
Because we’ve seen the dark
There is a core that was not altered
By the sorrow you’ve encountered
We’re gonna be the hopefull ones
Because we’ve seen the dark
The understanding of pain
Is gained on the inside of pain
I like Sundays and I don’t because
On a regular basis I get lost
On a Sunday afternoon
I take a pen and draw a line around myself
Because the shape of who I am
Seems unclear to me today
Particularly unclear
I take a lot of walks by myself these days
And that’s allright cause I like to be alone
And I need you and I don’t
And I need me, oh I do
And I will continue to-o-o-o-o
And I’m sorry that I’m growing out of needing you to fully understand
What pains me most
Cause you don’t and I suppose that that’s ok
These socially instutionalized losses of control
Tend to make things happen, tend to make things roll
Make you ten times better, make you ten times worse
But if we met today, I don’t think we’d meet that way again
Wanna know what you want, wanna know what may be
Let the night and the buzz come unwind you a little bit more
You’re so far away, far away, far away
I’m so sorry, you’re so sorry
So are wine and beer
So are all the others, all the others, Dear
Make them ten times better, make them ten times worse
But if we met today, I don’t think we’d meet that way again
It’s very nice up here, have a try, have a try
And only in the morning we will have to say good-bye
Once upon a time there was a kingdom of such glory
where a gorgeous little princess saw the light of day
And her mama held her oh so, held her oh so,
her mama held her oh so close to her heart
Happily they could have lived ever after and some more
But the second born came in and called out war
There’s no blank space for you to fill
so won’t you step away?
There’s no blank space for you to fill
so won’t you step away from us, my Dear?
My body and mind try to hide from the lights
That reveal every crack in the things that are imperfect
We will be the ones to learn that this doesn’t work
By the rules of capitalism
My discombobulated mind has been told a thousand times
That the more I improve the more I’m going to be loved
Ain’t every heart supposed to be a revolutionary cell?
Ain’t every heart no matter what a revolution in itself?
I wonder if and don’t mind if not
You realize there’ll always be a little spot
Inside my heart that’s got your initials on the walls
You… you make my heart go round and round
For you… Make it go round for you
The park bench on the balcony is waiting very patiently
For all the sunny places it is meant to see
This day is black and grey
The sun is shining, never mind
The flowers you have found me on the way are way to nice
The insurence society is not prepared for you and me
A sick and sad-faced generation studying philosophy and arts
Why does this feel tragic and how did you fall apart this time?
How did you fall apart this time, why would you fall apart this time?
How did you get to slow your mind before it went to far?
The city is an awful crowded place
But there are ways not to be here
You take the bus, you take the train
And yet the monsters will remain
See this society is not prepared for you and me
A sick and sad-faced generation studying philosophy and arts
He’s been sitting on this tree forever
And he sort of hopes the wheather’s gonna stay
As misty as it is
And some bees fly by and wonder why
It took him so long to make some conversation time
It takes a day or even two
To find Winnie The Pooh inside of you
Trying may be good, but ain’t succeeding?
All the time he has been pleading for the sun
To float into his lungs
It’s been a while and I feel fine
Is that ok, please?
I guess I could care less, as well as more
See, I don’t feel like going for
The pain you might cause me
If I gave you again power
Is power the word that I need?
You’re so sweet, you never speak in categories like these
So tell me how you think this works
You text me everytime you feel?
Are you for real? Did you forget who cut the line
May I remind you who it was?
And you say it’s alright, there’s no need to be afraid
But I am, but I am, but I am
And you try to ease my mind
Which a rhyme you have read on a pad calender
March 29
And you say that it’s best to let go of what you love
But I can’t
And who can by the way, who can easily say
I don’t mind if you leave, though I’d love you to stay
Trapped in cages that they call our bodies
I’m falling in love with the idea of fading away
I’m far too massive and my flesh disgusts me
Perhaps it’s best to disappear oh take me away
I need to be less and I need to let loose
I need to spread sex whereever I cruise
Trapped in bodies that are judged by pictures
of anorexic girls for Vogue, I’m fading away
I don’t deserve not to diet, nor to bitch or to riot, I’m supposed to be great and up to date
Otherwise I’m gonna be replaced by these images that chased me into this cage
Once upon a time in a summer’s night
There were two fools sharing excuses for not
Being faithful and true
Some more nights went by and they had a try
Being truely uncommitted to each other
And the world seemed kind of new
Do do do do do do do do do… If there’s anyone I want to know the mess that I am it’s you
Once upon a time in a winter’s night
There were two fools sharing the promise to be faithful and true
Some more nights went by and they had a try being
Truely well committed to each other
And the world seemed kind of new
Do do do do do do do do do… If there’s anyone I want to know the best that I am it’s you
Once upon a time in a summer’s night
There were two fools on the phone
Feeling extremely alone
New ways to commit without being hit
My heart was broken
I can’t focus on the books I’ve got to read
Make this pain disappear, make this bleeding stop
This is not the fun they told me it would be
I don’t know what I need cause I want so much
I want bodies and closure, I want your touch
I want safety and pure, honest tenderness
I want you to want me, I don’t want nothing less
It takes some courage to cast off and I’m afraid, my Dear
It takes some courage to cast off, ain’t that profound?
It takes some courage to cast off and I can barely get my feet to touch the ground
Now I sit here with my nervousness and all the little ghosts a sailor knows
It takes some courage to cast off that I will grow, my Dear
It takes some courage to cast off, ain’t that profound?
And I can barely get my feet, oh oh, to stay in touch with me and on the ground
It was a morning like any other morning
I looked into the mirror, it said„Damn Queen, you look good.“
I said „Thank you, any news?“
It said „Well, indeed, there’s a new girl in town..
She supposed to be very very pretty quite nice
And even pretty witty
Her hair so dark, her skin so light
They’re calling her Snow White.“
Mirror mirror go to hell
Fuck yourself and fuck your spell
I am better off without the things you tell
I’m so fed up with being compared
and comparing myself to the rest
I’m so very sick of figuring out
who’s the fairest, the smartest, the best
I’ll burn her hair, scratch out her eyes
Until she cries no more
That sneaky little whore is stealing what was mine
I bet she’s feeling fine
Why is it always such a fight, is it always such a fight, is it always such a fight?
What are we fighting for and why, are we fighting for an why, are we fighting for and why?
I have not fully figuered this out, but I doubt it’s a very healthy game to play
Give me a reason to feel like I’m home
Give me a reason to feel
Give me a reason to unpack my bags
Give me a reason to feel
This town keeps being too big for my little emotions
This town keeps being too loud for my quiet inside
And all I ever can hear is the white noise of the rush
And yeah, I do see the beauty in that